Building a strong team is a necessity in many areas of life and business. For example, last week’s Major League Baseball All-Star Game in DC is a prime example. The National and American All-Star team rosters were comprised of managers, coaches and elite players who were determined to be the best of the best in baseball.
Of course, in a sport where performance is measured by statistics, it’s easy to separate the creme de la creme but such statistics are not readily available to organizations who are looking for top talent, so creative recruitment strategies need to be put in place.
After all, one of the most crucial factors in determining an organization’s success is its recruitment strategy. Hiring talented employees helps companies to run more efficiently, make smarter decisions and gain a much needed competitive edge.
Find Better Talent With These 6 Recruitment TIps:
Setting recruitment goals should be the first step in your recruitment strategy. Your recruitment objectives should serve as a foundation for attracting and analyzing preferred candidates. Recruitment objectives should include the number of desired applicants to interview, a target date for having the position filled, a list of companies or industries you prefer they have worked for, specific job tasks they’ve handled, etc. For instance, if your organization needs to fill a managerial role, your objectives may be to interview a minimum of 10 candidates, have that role filled in 30 to 60 days, hire someone who has worked for one of your competitors, or has a minimum of 2 years of experience performing a specific job task.
When it comes to recruiting top-quality talent, the importance of networking can never be overstated. In many cases, the people you currently work – or have previously worked with – can be a valuable recruitment resource. They are familiar with your culture, know the nuances of your specific industry, and should better understand the type of people who would be a good fit for your organization. It’s also likely that you’ll learn more about candidates recommended by your personal networks than from reviewing a resume.
Part of your recruitment strategy should include a way to influence and attract top performers, so they continue to come to you. Great recruiters know that with the right combination of compensation, advancement opportunities, benefits and work and life balance, top talent will often be drawn to them. When developing your recruitment strategies think of ways that differentiate your organization from others, and uncover key compensation components that will attract the type of talent you want.
There is no doubt that candidates who were shortlisted for an interview have some great qualities. They may not have been the very best candidate at the time of their interview, however a good number of them would be well worth reaching out to again. It’s not uncommon for some exceptional candidates to be overshadowed by a superstar, or simply off their game during the initial interview. You could save a lot of time and effort – and find an exceptional candidate – by calling back your shortlisted candidates.
These days, most recruiters know the value of using recruitment websites and social networking sites, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Job Boards. To maximize awareness and reach more candidates, devise a plan that rewards employees who spread the news about job openings through their own personal Social networks. The power of social media can help you reach more candidates extremely cost effectively.
Some of the most talented job candidates have a great education with very little job experience. Keep in mind that College and University graduates know how to learn. Even if they are not working in their direct field of study, most candidates are resourceful, dedicated and accustomed to deadlines and meeting deliverables. One way to find new candidates is by connecting with professors from local colleges. Almost all colleges today have placement systems that match students with the job market. The professors know the most promising graduates that may prove to be an asset to your organization.
The Major League Baseball All-Star Game may be over, but the desire to create a winning team should always be on your mind. If you need help finding top talent, or help with your recruitment strategy, we can help. Contact us today!